Leadership and Good Governance –Hogaaminta iyo Dowlad wanaaga

Course description:

Hordhaca mabaadi’da dowladnimada iyo hoggaaminta, sharaxaada sababta hoggaanka iyo dowladnimadu ay muhiim u yihiin iyo sababta dowladnimada iyo hoggaaminta ay si la fahmi karo u yihiin arrin muhiim ah oo ku saabsan ajendaha waaxaha guud ee gobolka iyo gaar ahaan Soomaaliya. Koorsadayadu waxay diiradda saari doontaa Hogaaminta iyo Maamulka Guud ahaan iyo sida looga faa’iidaysto daraasadaha guud iyo aragtida khabiirada:

Natiijada barashada
Marka si wanaagsan loo dhammeeyo cutubkan, tababarayuhu wuxuu awoodi doonaa inuu fahmo:

•Sida loo hubiyo in ururadu ay si habboon u dhismeen, oo ay ku shaqeeyaan hababka dawladnimo ee ku habboon.
• In la taageero hab-dhaqanka wanaagsan ee mas’uuliyadda, khatarta iyo hubinta, iyo xakamaynta gudaha
•In la tusaaleeyo halbeegyada hab-dhaqanka oo ah hab lagu suurtagelinayo maamul-wanaagga.
* Hoggaamintu waa hab uu qofku dadka kale saamayn ugu yeesho
* Afar nooc oo ah moodooyinka hogaaminta iyo sida loo waafajiyo.
*Farqiga udhaxeeya hogaanka iyo maamulka .

English Version :

Introduction of principles of governance and Leadership, explains why leadership and governance are important and why L/G are understandably hot issue on the public sector agenda Cross org and Somalia in particular. Our course will focus on Leadership and Governance in General and how to utilize case studies and expert theory:

Learning outcome
On successful completion of this module, the trainee will be able to:

•To ensure organizations are appropriately constituted, structured, and operate the appropriate governance processes.
•To support good practice in stewardship, risk and assurance, and internal control
•To exemplify standards of behavior as a way of enabling good governance.
*Leadership is the process by which a person influences others
* Four types of leadership models and how to fit.
*The Difference between leadership and governance.

Class type: instructor
Class; space 30 people.
Prerequisite; None
target: higher and Middle managers

Time ; 9AM-5pm
Lunch Break : 1pm-2pm
Refreshment: Tea and Coffee.

Best regards

Hussein A.Gendisch
Executive Vice Chairman
Institute Of Financial Management & Governance
Tel.(+252)612450393 Somalia
Tel.001-919-389-9098 USA

location :
IFIN center
First Ahmed bin Idris street, behind Mogadishu mall.

Location : Hamer Wayne district
28MR+VFJ, Mogadishu

Start Time

9:00 am

February 15, 2022

Finish Time

4:00 pm

February 16, 2022


Ifin Center, Mogadishu,Somalia

Event Participants

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